Double Attack is an ability. This ability is innately possessed by Adepts, as well as by certain creatures. Other heroes can obtain the ability through various items.
Double Attack allows the user to attack a single opponent with two basic attacks every combat round. The ability applies only to basic attacks, and only when no offensive spell is cast during the combat round. The number that accompanies the ability (which is displayed as a simple number in the items interface, but as percentage in the Abilities tab) indicates the percentage chance for the ability to trigger. For example 20 (or 20%) indicates that the ability will trigger 20% of the time.
This ability can be used in conjunction with Attack Multiple Foes, resulting in up to 6 attacks per combat round. A more advanced variant of this ability is Triple Strike, which allows the user to attack 3 times.
Users and ability-granting sources[]
- Adepts (100) – Innate ability
- Rage of Krolm enchantment (100)
- Tonic of Speed potion, which gives the Winged feet enchantment (+20) – usable by all classes
- Champion Blade (+60) → Knight's Blade (+80) – Gnome only
- Bolt Spitter (+40) → Bolt Gutter (+65) – Rogue only
- Greatbow of Speed (+70) – Elf and Ranger only
- Blades of Mass Slaughtering (+30) – Warrior of Discord only
- Ritual Mask (+15) – Barbarian only
- Charm of Devastation (+15) – Barbarian only
- Barbarian Beard Ring (+15) – Barbarian only