Heroes of Ardania Wiki

Hand-to-hand (H2H) is an attribute that measure of proficiency in hand-to-hand combat.


H2H is used to determine the chance that a melee attack successfully hits an opponent, in accordance with the following rules of the combat system:

  • Attack Factor = Random(1 to 200) + Attacker's H2H
  • Defense Factor = 100 + Opponent's Parry

Attack resolution depends on the values of the above two factors:

  • If the attack factor is lower than 100, the attacker misses.
  • If the attack factor is greater than or equal to 100, but lower than or equal to the defense factor, then the opponent parries the attack.
  • If the attack factor is greater than or equal to 100, and is greater than the defense factor, then the hit is successful and damage is calculated.

Therefore, assuming that the attacker attack does not miss, if the attacker's H2H is equal to the opponent's parry, then the attacker's hit has a 50% chance of succeeding. This chance increases/decreases by 1% for every 2 points of difference between the attacker's H2H and the opponent's parry. Therefore, the chance for a successful hit is 0% if the attacker's H2H is 100 points lower than the opposing parry, and 100% if the attacker's H2H is 100 points higher than the opposing parry.


The H2H attribute is used by all hero classes other than Elf, Ranger, and Rogue. Classes that use the H2H attribute gain +1 H2H on each level-up. Cultists use the H2H attribute for the attack factor listed above, but their attack is defended against by the opponent's dodge, rather than parry. H2H has no effect on Elves, Rangers, and Rogues.
