Heroes of Ardania Wiki

Junk is a category of items. Junk items cannot be equipped, and have no functional use except for completing two collection quests given by the Gnome Collector and for two schematics obtained at Grov-Urtat. All junk can be sold to the Gnome Hovel and the Goblin Shop. Most junk can be found in all parts of the Valmorgen Sewers, in the Royal Timekeepers' Basement, in the Fertile Plains Shrine, or in Grov-Urtat.

Lower-value junk[]

Lower value junk can be sold for 3 gold to the Gnome Hovel and 2 gold to the Goblin Shop. These items can be found in the Valmorgen Sewers, Lower Sewers, Ratman Kingdom, and Sewer Tunnels.

  • Barrel HoopNow if this was a whole barrel, it might have been useful to keep stuff in.
  • Broken ArrowheadEven if this arrowhead was whole, it is still missing the rest of the arrow. And from the looks of it, it was not a very good arrow to begin with.
  • Broken BowThis bow has been been cracked in two, rendering it useless.
  • Broken StaffThis staff has been split along its length and is unusable.
  • Candle StumpA burnt-out candle wick.
  • Mouldy CloakThe fabric of this cloak may have been Elven made, but it is torn and foul.
  • Old BookThis might have once been a spellbook, but all of the pages have been chewed out.
  • Old GauntletThis hard-leather glove is missing three of the fingers.
  • Rusty ForkThis fork is too rusty and dirty to use.
  • Tin CupThis leaky tin cup is missing a handle.
  • Torn PurseThis purse has holes in it instead of gold.

All items listed above are required for the Gnome Collector's quest part 1. And some of them are needed for the Crafting Caliper (Schematic).

Higher-value junk[]

Unless stated otherwise, the following junk items are sold for 7 gold to the Gnome Hovel and 5 gold to the Goblin Shop. These items can be found in the locations given below.

Valmorgen Sewers, Lower Sewers, Ratman Kingdom, and Sewer Tunnels[]

  • Bent SawSome peasant must have tossed this unusable tool away.
  • Broken Chamber PotThis chamber pot has a crack in it.
  • Cracked Crystal BallThe chips and cracks in this crystal ball have rendered it useless.
  • Cracked StatuetteMaybe this statue was once worth a lot, but it has been greatly devalued by the crack in it. Sells for 37 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 25 gold at the Goblin Shop.
  • Mildewed TapestryThis ancient wall-hanging is fouled by slime. This item can also be bought for 66 gold from the Goblin Shop. It sells for 49 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 33 gold at the Goblin Shop.
  • Old Leather BootA left-footed boot with a hole in it.
  • Rotting CoatBelieve me, you do not want to wear this.
  • Rusted HelmetThis rusted helmet appears to have been split apart by a mighty blow.
  • Torn PillowThis old pillow has several tears in it, and most of the filling has fallen out.

All items listed above are required for the Gnome Collector's quest part 1, except for the Cracked Crystal Ball and the Cracked Statuette. The Cracked Statuette, along with all of the junk items listed below, is needed for the Gnome Collector's quest part 2.

The Royal Timekeepers' Basement[]

  • Bronze PlaqueThis is a worn, bronze plaque with the words "Tempus Fugit, hero!" inscribed upon it. Sells for 37 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 25 gold at the Goblin Shop.
  • Cracked HourglassThis hourglass has been damaged, and most of the sand has drained out. Sells for 11 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 7 gold at the Goblin Shop.
  • Torn CalendarIt's a shame. This papyrus calendar has been defaced beyond legibility.

Fertile Plains[]

  • Broken MirrorBrave heroes tried using mirrors to reflect Gorgon's petrification back to the Gorgon. This item is a good reminder that that tactic doesn't quite work.
  • Dead SquirrelKilled by the evil denizens of the Fertile Plains, this poor squirrels only use now is for the freaks and disturbed, or as dinner. Sells for 4 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 3 gold at the Goblin Shop.
  • Leaky HoseProbably used to water plants and crops around East Cheswick. Now it's just unusable, it leaks water everywhere.
  • Torn SaddlePreviously used to ride on the back of horses or other creatures, now there is no use for this item.
  • Worn HatBecause not everyone in Ardania uses helmets. You found these on the remains of an unfortunate farmer.
  • Wrecked PloughLeft behind by the farmers of East Cheswick in the Fertile Plains some monsters like it as decoration for their lair. Sells for 11 gold at the Gnome Hovel and 7 gold at the Goblin Shop.