Heroes of Ardania Wiki

Magic Resistance (MGR) is one of the most valuable attributes. It can be trained in the Valmorgen library. The table below gives the requirements to train MGR to a certain level.

Can be trained only +15 from your starting MGR.

Train MGR to...
Incremental cost
Cumulative cost
from 0 MGR

Cumulative turns
from 0 MGR

Cumulative cost
from 5 MGR

Cumulative turns
from 5 MGR

1 450 450 1
2 900 1350 3
3 1350 2700 6
4 1800 4500 10
5 2250 6750 15 0 0
6 2700 9450 21 2700 6
7 3150 12600 28 5850 13
8 3600 16200 36 9450 21
9 4050 20250 45 13500 30
10 4500 24750 55 18000 40
11 4950 29700 66 22950 51
12 5400 35100 78 28350 63
13 5850 40950 91 34200 76
14 6300 47250 105 40500 90
15 6750 54000 120 47250 105
16 7200 54450 121
17 7650 62100 138
18 8100 70200 156
19 8550 78750 175
20 9000 87750 195


Train MGR to...
Incremental cost
Cumulative cost
from 20 MGR

Cumulative turns
from 20 MGR

Cumulative cost
from 30 MGR

Cumulative turns
from 30 MGR

Cumulative cost
from 35 MGR

Cumulative turns
from 35 MGR

20 9000 0 0
21 9450 9450 21
22 9900 19350 43
23 10350 29700 66
24 10800 40500 90
25 11250 51750 115
26 11700 63450 141
27 12150 75600 168
28 12600 88200 196
29 13050 101250 225
30 13500 114750 255 0 0
31 13950 128700 286 13950 31
32 14400 143100 318 28350 63
33 14850 157950 351 43200 96
34 15300 173250 385 58500 130
35 15750 189000 420 74250 165 0 0
36 16200 90450 201 16200 36
37 16650 107100 238 32850 73
38 17100 124200 276 49950 111
39 17550 141750 315 67500 150
40 18000 159750 355 85500 190
41 18450 178200 396 103950 231
42 18900 197100 438 122850 273
43 19350 216450 481 142200 316
44 19800 236250 525 162000 360
45 20250 256500 570 182250 405
46 20700 202950 451
47 21150 224100 498
48 21600 245700 546
49 22050 267750 595
50 22500 290250 645

Common formula for gold needed to train MGR from level n1 to n2: 225*(n2-n1)*(n2+n1+1).

The same for turns: (n2-n1)*(n2+n1+1)/2.

See also[]
