The Ruins of Thallis
The Ruins of Thallis can be reached from the Desolate Wastelands via the Eastern Pass. This location is notable for its involvement in late game quests, as well as its Thallis items for all hero classes.

Graveyard of Thallis

Thallis Sewers

Palace of Thallis
- Looter
- Dark Phantom
- Leprechaun
- Leprechaun Chieftain
- (Lairs only) Thallis Heroes
- (Temple of Fervus) Dire Bear
- (Temple of Krypta) Shadow Stalker
- (Sewers Only) Ratman Terminator, Ratasiege, Ratman Overlord, Ratman Assassin, Mimic
- (Graveyard Only) various Lesser Undead and Greater Undead, Warlock
Normal encounters[]
- 1 to 8 Looters
- A few Leprechauns paired with Leprechaun Chieftains.
Special encounters[]
Thallis item lairs[]
The following "lairs" are guarded by packs of 3-7 of their associated heroes (see: Winning difficult fights for strategies) and contains Thallis items for their associated classes. These lairs are styled with the label "remains of."
- Dwarven Settlement - Contains 3-6 Thallis Dwarves, drops Dwarf items.
- Elven Bungalow - Contains 3-6 Thallis Elves, drops Elf items.
- Gnome Hovel - Contains 3-6 Thallis Gnomes, drops Gnome items.
- Ranger's Camp - Contains 3-6 Thallis Rangers, drops Ranger items.
- Rogue Guild - Contains 3-6 Thallis Rogues, drops Rogue items.
- Temple to Agrela - Contains 1-4 Thallis Warriors and 1-3 Thallis Healers, drops Healer items. Participates in the Plagued! quest.
- Temple to Dauros - Contains 2-5 Thallis Monks and 1-2 Thallis Paladins, drops Monk items.
- Temple to Fervus - Contains 1-2 Dire Bears and 2-5 Thallis Cultists, drops Cultist items. Finding this building for the first time will start the Plagued! quest (you don't have to enter the building to get the disease).
- Temple to Helia - Contains 3-6 Thallis Solarii, drops Solarii items.
- Temple to Krolm - Contains 2-5 Thallis Barbarians, drops Barbarian items.
- Temple to Krypta - Contains 1-3 Shadow Stalkers and 3-6 Thallis Priestesses, drops Priestess items.
- Temple to Lunord - Contains 3-6 Thallis Adepts, drops Adept items.
- Wizard's Guild - Contains 3-6 Thallis Wizards, drops Wizard items.
- Warrior's Guild - Contains 3-6 Thallis Warriors or 3-6 Thallis Warriors of Discord or 3-6 Thallis Paladins, drops Warrior, Warrior of Discord and Paladin items.
Other buildings[]
Unless otherwise noted, these encounters involve a group of heroes in numbers from three to six. In some encounters you have to fight mixed groups, like a few Wizards and Gnome Champions. These buildings are either styled with the label "remains of" or "abandoned."
- Elven Lounge - Guarded by 2-5 Thallis Elves. Gives a small amount of gold.
- Gambling Hall - Bet 1000, 5000 or 10000 to the one-armed rogue.
- Hall of Champions - Guarded by random Thallis Heroes.
- Gives Champion's Vigor enchantment.
- Blacksmith - Guarded by random Thallis Heroes. Gives high-level, non-class specific armor and weapons: (list needs completing):
- Guard Tower - Empty, gives 55-500 gold.
- Common House - Empty, gives 50-300 gold.
- Sorcerer's Adobe - Empty.
- Fountain - Gives nothing.
- Mausoleum - Guarded by 5-8 Dark Phantoms. Drops:
- Ballista tower - Guarded by 2-5 Thallis Dwarves. Gives gold.
- Embassy - Guarded by random Thallis Heroes, usually of two hero types, e.g., spellcasters + melee / ranged + melee - in high numbers (4-5 of each type, any of the foes can be attacked by you first randomly). Examples include Wizards with Gnome Champions or Rogues, Priestesses with Cultists, Paladins with Rangers.
- Gives a random Thallis items
- Also found here: Amulet of Destruction, Wand of Invisibility.
- Marketplace - Guarded by random Thallis Heroes.
- Gives Total Restoration Tinctures.
- Trading Post - Guarded by 3 to 12 Looters. Gives 150-1500 gold.
- Magic Bazaar
- Gives 5 of one of the following consumable types: Total Restoration Tincture, Firebomb, Regeneration Elixir, Fire Balm, Potion of Dirgo Strength, Shapeshift Tincture, Tonic of Speed
- Gazebo - Can rest here.
- Outpost - Guarded by random Thallis Heroes. Gives gold.
- Inn - Guarded by 1-5 random Thallis Heroes. Gives 50-100 gold.
- Sometimes also gives a random journal rumor.
- Royal Garden - Random blessing (including invisibility) or full heal.
- Thallis Library
- Initiates the Treasure Hunt and takes a part in the Plagued! quest.
- After the quest-related events, the Library randomly awards an attribute increase (STR, VIT, INT, WILL, or ART) of the player's choice, up to three times.
- Afterwards, the location sometimes give a Thallis Library Text Fragment.
- Thallis Fairgrounds - Initiates Thallis Fairgrounds quest.
- Statue - Gives nothing.
- Wizards Tower - A wizard tower attacks you, 100-150~HP loss event.
Quest-only encounters[]
- Abomination Lair - Flagged during the "The Desert Artifact" quest.
- Lair of Looters - Part of the Quest The Imp and His Tools, up to 12 Looters inside.
The following sub-locations are found randomly as random events. The locations play a role in the quests in this region.
Graveyard of Thallis[]
- Inhabitants: Lesser Undead, Greater Undead, Warlock.
- Tomb - battle against 7-12 various Lesser Undead, gives nothing.
- Empty grave - Lose turns
- Contains the shrine needed to be cleansed for the "Thallis Fairgrounds" quest.
Thallis Sewers[]
- Inhabitants: Ratman Assassin, Ratasiege, Ratman Overlord, Ratman Terminator and Mimic.
- Fortification - battle against powerful Ratmen. Gives Imp Workshop Ingredients needed for the Imp's Workshop stuff upgrades, including: Dust of a Dark Phantom, Goblin Grease, Cursed Knife, Magic Skeleton Bone, Dragon Pearl, Enchanted Idol, Metal Strap, Rune of Healing, etc.
- Chest: Contains Gold or a Mimic.
- Contains the breach points for the "Thallis Fairgrounds" quest.
Palace of Thallis[]
- Angry Heroes - lose 2 turns
- Secret Vault - after a battle with 3-7 different Thallis Heroes you'll find nice amount of gold.
- Contains the throne room of the Thallis Sovereign, who is part of the "Thallis Fairgrounds" quest. Guarded by 2 lines of different Thallis Heroes.
- Desolate Wastelands (4 turns)
- Ruins of Gar Uta (6 turns), found by exploring the area.