Heroes of Ardania Wiki
Heroes of Ardania Wiki
For general class information, see Solarus.

The Solarus is a hybrid melee and spellcaster class. Compared to other hybrid melee-and-spell classes such as the Healer and Paladin, the Solarus focuses more on offensive spells and less on defensive spells. Additionally, the Solarus has strength, instead of intelligence, as the primary attribute but makes up for this by a strong set of intelligence-boosting items available in the late game. The Solarus is an interesting class to play that changes the dynamic of it's combat mechanics as the game progresses.



  • High general attributes (INT, WIL, VIT, STR).
  • Good hand-to-hand and decent dodge/parry.
  • Versatility in both melee combat and spell combat .
  • Able to attain relatively high values in both strength and intelligence.


  • Requires frequent switching between melee and spell gear sets.
  • Requires knowledge of what to expect before fight in order to prepare the optimal set of equipment.
  • Versatility comes at a cost when extreme specialization in either physical damage or spellcasting is needed.
  • Lower physical damage output than melee-specialist and ranged classes.
  • Lower damage output than spell-specialist classes.


Early game[]

The Solarus is relatively strong in the beginning of the game due to high combat stats and the automatically learned Sun Scorch spell (learned at level 4). Sun Scorch hits several enemies at once, making it extremely powerful in the early game when there are very few enemies with an appreciable amount of magic resistance. As with other melee classes, the Solarus should begin by buying a basic armor and weapon, and should aim for a full set of gear, which includes a Ring of Protection and the best available weapons and armor from the blacksmith, both enchanted to +3, as well as both spells that can be purchased from the library. Note that in some situations, it may be better to disable Fire Hammer and PowerShock, if these spells result in less damage than a basic melee attack.


Once you get out of Valmorgen, head towards Lormidia, to the Timekeeper's Basement and obtain a Green Charm and a Blue charm. Wear the Green Charm anything other Gorgons, Vampires and Black Phantoms. Now, secure a Medusa Mail (the Fertile Plains is a good location for that) and continue leveling up. You need levels for the increased stats (especially HP). The Catacombs, Fertile Plains and the BC Vaults (with the Tholarian Signet Ring, Medusa Mail, Blue Charm and AMGs) are all good locations to obtain XP and gold. The FP Caravan encounters provide the invaluable Rumble Mitts and great Dwarven Beard Ring drops, so they are preferable if you can do them with healing aid efficiently and not dying to anything but mass Gorgons. Somewhere around here, make sure to get a Battered Crown and a Rustward.

During the midgame, the Solarus' spellcasting ability is sometimes limited by monsters that have high magic resistance. Therefore, it is beneficial to switch between a spell-focused setup, and a pure melee setup, depending on what is best for the situation. The spell-focused setup should include Sun Scorch, Frost Field (from the Bandanna of Frost) and Stoneshredder (from the Amulet of Destruction), and may utilize gear that boosts intelligence and physical defense. The pure melee setup should have all spells disabled and should be used against magic-resistant enemies, such as Evil Oculi, Black Phantoms, and Medusae.

Priorities in the midgame include securing an Amulet of Destruction (from the Firewood! encounter in the Dark Forest), a Bandanna of Frost (Hellfire Mountains South), an Elven Chain Mail (Hellfire Mountains South), a Flames Shield, and the ingredients for crafting the Flail of Subjection. The Amulet of Destruction is a crucial item for maximizing the Solarus' spellcasting potential in the midgame, because it grants the Stoneshredder, another spell that hits multiple targets. The combination of Sun Scorch, Frost Field, and Stoneshredder will let you clear anything that does not have high magic resistance. Later on, spell power can be further augmented by the Ring of Mighty Devastation, which provides the powerful Exploding Aura spell.

For general midgame goals, see midgame guide.

Late game[]

The Desolate Wastelands and Ruins of Thallis are the principle areas at the start of the late game. As with the case for all other classes, you will have to complete the Plagued! quest upon arriving in Thallis. Afterwards, the focus is to obtain Solarus-class Thallis items. Doing so typically involves defeating Thallis Solarii encountered at the Thallis Temples to Helia. Thallis Solarii are relatively formidable opponents. It is useful to stock up on temple enchantments, particular Blessing, Vigilance, and Stone Skin, to make the encounters at Thallis easier.

The Thallis items generally provide a large boost to INT, enabling the Solarus to become even more proficient as a spellcaster. However, since the Solarus lacks the necessary INT to defeat the most magic-resistant foes, it will still be necessary to maintain a melee-only configuration for many opponents. In Krolm's Anvil, switching between spell-casting and melee-only configurations for specific is generally required in order to win fights efficiently.

Solarii cannot use the Boots of Lunord awarded at the end of the Gar Uta questline. However, Solarii can trade this item for a unique Solarus Beard Ring, which can be socketed into the Eclipse boots.


Below are the optimal items for each category, as well as other notable items important to this class. For a full list of usable items see items usable by Solarus.
