Heroes of Ardania Wiki

Temples are a type of location with the specific function of offering enchantments and other services. Temples are dedicated to one of the gods of Ardania. Depending on your hero class, you may be allowed to enter a temple to rest, raise your followers from death, pray, or donate gold. Since the deities have conflicting interests, followers of one god may find entry to temples to certain other deities denied.

List of temples[]

Temple Classes welcomed City locations
Valmorgen Mayhew Lormidia
Temple to Agrela All except Priestess, Warrior of Discord,
Cultist, and Barbarian
Temple to Dauros
Temple to Fervus All except Healer, Monk, Paladin,
and Barbarian
Temple to Krypta
Temple to Lunord All except Solarus and Barbarian
Temple to Helia All except Adept and Barbarian
Temple to Krolm Barbarian and non-temple-affiliated classes

Other locations[]

Shrines are similar to temples, except that they do not accept donations and they provide only one type of blessing.


Heroes may perform one or more of the following actions at temples.


Temples to Agrela, Fervus and Krolm allow your hero and followers to rest to regain lost health. For heroes, HPs regained is equivalent to their Vitality score (Vitality x Number of Turns). Followers regain 10 HPs (10 x Number of Turns).

Raising dead followers[]

Temples to Agrela and Krypta allow you to raise dead followers back to life, for a certain amount of gold. When raised, followers regain all their HPs. Since Barbarians are not allowed in these temples, they cannot raise fallen followers.


A hero can pray to a deity in the temples and shrines for a number of turns. Praying increases Piety towards that deity, and also decreases your Piety towards any opposing deities. The amount of Piety gained with the temple's deity is 30 x Willpower per turn prayed. The amount of Piety lost to opposing deities is shown in the section below.

Donating Gold[]

A second method to increase your piety towards a Deity is by donating money in a temple or shrine. As with praying, donating increases your Piety towards the temple's deity and decreases your Piety towards any opposing deities. The amount of Piety gained with the temple's deity is equal to half of the amount of gold donated, rounded down (1 piety for 2 gold donated). The amount of Piety lost to opposing deities is shown in the section below.

Temple enchantments[]

Once you have gained enough Piety towards the temple's deity, you may obtain various enchantments, also known as blessings.[1] Temple enchantments generally last for 10 turns. You can increase this duration by asking for the same enchantment - every additional Blessing of the same type increases the duration by another 10 turns. There are some blessings that do not operate in the form of enchantment durations – most notably Resurrection, which is instead an accumulated resource. You can see what Blessings you have received and how long they remain active from your Spells tab on the left-hand menu.


As noted above, Piety can be gained by praying (Piety gain = 30x Willpower per turn) or by donating gold (Piety gain = Gold/2). Your actual Piety amount is not shown, but you can get a general idea of your current standing from the comments made by a worshipper in the temple.

Piety conflict table[]

Pray/Donate in: Gods influenced
Agrela Dauros Fervus Krypta Lunord Helia Krolm
Temple to Agrela +Piety - -Piety/4 -Piety/4 - - -Piety/4
Temple to Dauros - +Piety -Piety/4 -Piety/4 - - -Piety/4
Temple to Fervus -Piety/4 -Piety/4 +Piety - - - -Piety/4
Temple to Krypta -Piety/4 -Piety/4 - +Piety - - -Piety/4
Temple to Lunord - - - - +Piety -Piety/3 -Piety/3
Temple to Helia - - - - -Piety/3 +Piety -Piety/3
Temple to Krolm -Piety/8 -Piety/8 -Piety/8 -Piety/8 -Piety/8 -Piety/8 +Piety

As can be seen, avoiding decreased effectiveness of prayer and/or donations requires:

  • Worshipping Krolm alone or not at all
  • Not worshipping Lunord and Helia at the same time
  • Not worshipping Dauros or Agrela if you worship Fervus or Krypta

If you break these rules, you can, with greatly increased turns/gold expenditure, combine blessings of opposing gods. The maximum of negative piety for any specific god is -99999.[2]

Increasing Willpower[]

Willpower can be temporarily increased before praying by equipping Willpower increasing equipment immediately before praying. Some examples include:


  1. Trivia: The amount of piety needed to receive a particular blessing is equal to 1000 + cost in Majesty. For example Re-animate costs 2000 gold in Majesty. So in order to get Re-animate blessing in HoA, you need to gain 1000+2000 = 3000 piety either by donating (3000*2= 6000 gold) or praying ( 3000/(30*Willpower)= 100/Willpower turns)
  2. Confirmed by developer Karmic in HoA forum thread "Maximum negative piety".