The Wendigo is a monster.
"Thought to be a cousin of the Yeti, Wendigoes are magically able to teleport short distances, making it virtually impossible to escape their hunger."
HP: 50 Armor: 3 Gold: 125 Attack type: MeleeSpells: Teleport (Short) Abilities: Relentless, Regeneration (4) Follower acquisition: Charmed by Cultist's Charm Monster spell Followers-page attributes: Strength: 36, Intelligence: 12, Speed: 4, H2H: 90, Ranged: 0, Dodge: 80, Parry: 192, MGR: 100, Damage: 10-28 |
- Hellfire Mountains West
- Hellfire Mountains North
- Dark Forest (Brashnard Ruins)
- The Wendigo has exceptionally high parry, but is vulnerable to magic and ranged attacks, as well as poison.